Effluent Treatment Plant

Effluent treatment solutions for every industry – Pharmaceutical, Neutraceuticals, Biotech, chemicals, fertilisers, Research & development, Textiles, Sugar & Dairy, food products, Automobile & Engineering effluents.
Effluent Treatment Plants, or ETPs, are water pollution control systems designed to treat industrial wastewater. The process removes both biological and physical waste and separates them into two categories: treated water and sludge. These two waste categories are very different in terms of health hazards. In an effluent treatment plant, both biological and chemical waste is removed. Physical treatment methods include sedimentation, filtration, aeration, and screening.
The wastewater itself contains microbial pathogens. These are organisms that can transmit diseases to humans and animals. Biodegradable organics are harmful to the environment, including bacteria, viruses, and protozoa. This process is essential in eliminating these contaminants and minimizing the risks of water-borne diseases and other health problems. However, the effluent must be cleaned before it can be discharged into a river or lake.